Become an AIPPI member

Joining AIPPI means becoming part of an organisation which has been shaping IP for over 125 years.

Join AIPPI by completing the form below. Please note that a membership fee applies, and this is set by the AIPPI National or Regional Group in your country – or by the AIPPI General Secretariat if no AIPPI National or Regional Group exists in your country.

If there is a National or Regional Group in your country, your local AIPPI group will contact you with further information. According to AIPPI’s Statutes, all members of a National or Regional Group are automatically members of the international association.

If your principal professional or business activity is located in a country where no National or Regional Group of AIPPI exists, you may join as an Independent Member. In this case, the AIPPI General Secretariat in Switzerland will process your membership.

AIPPI’s membership structure is based on individual and personal members.

Some National or Regional Groups allow a Company owned membership. This membership is with a company, to which the annual invoice goes, but it is matched to one individual from that company.

AIPPI does not offer a Corporate membership in which more than one individual can benefit from AIPPI’s offers for a certain fee.

Please read the AIPPI Cookie and Privacy Policy before submitting your application.

Young AIPPI Members

AIPPI strongly encourages young members to participate in the work of the association. Young Members are defined as those who are aged 36 or below, and they benefit from a reduced fee in relation to membership fees, the registration fee for the AIPPI World Congress and the eligibility to join the Young AIPPI Forum (YAF).

Applicants under the age of 36 pay just 50% of the regular membership fee!

AIPPI Annual Independent Members Subscription Fees

Independent member (where no National / Regional Group exists)
200.00 Swiss Francs (CHF)

The amount of the subscription is reduced by 50% (= 100.00 CHF) for the following individuals:

New members accessing for the first time, for their first two years of membership
Members under the age of 36 (Young Members)
Full time academics
Full time judges
Employees of governmental IP offices

The reduction above shall not be applied cumulatively.

For members joining after an AIPPI World Congress and before 1 January of the following year – no subscription due to be paid for the current year.

Membership Application Form